Model Geometry Discussion: Balancing Model Details and Rooms for Load Calculations versus Energy Modeling

Thank you, @justinshultz for bringing up this question. I agree with @chriswmackey’s comments. I have a slightly different proposal on how it can be implemented though.

I want to link to the discussion that we had earlier about this topic.

:warning: And before I write my thoughts I should note that I’m just writing my ideas here as part of the discussion. There is no guarantee that we can implement them or that we will implement them.

One of the advantages of writing several translators for other simulation software was to be introduced to a few concepts like building bodies, groups, and blocks. They are all concepts for adding levels of abstraction to the model. I think we can use similar concepts.

Right now we have two levels of abstraction: Building/Model and Room. Model is where we assign the global values and room is where we let the user overwrite those global values. These concepts are not geometrical and are only used for properties.

I think we can have a more layered hierarchy to help abstract the models, and we have the core functionalities to get this to work for models with extruded walls.

Stories and groups

I think we can use story and group as two properties that can help with grouping rooms. Similar to model or room we should be able to assign properties to a story or a group. In addition, we can abstract the geometry by trying to merge the rooms in a story or a group based on the user input. For instance, the user can create a new model from the existing model where the abstraction level is story.

Model.to_hbjson(..., abstraction_level='story')

This is what a model can look like with 3 different abstraction levels.

This way we keep the original rooms in the model and provide simplified representations of the model which should address the concern that @justinshultz raised in the other thread. :point_down:

Additional notes

  • I don’t know what happens to HVAC and if we allow assigning an HVAC system to a story or a group but for other properties like program types we can create an average version similar to what we already do in a Dragonfly model.

  • This is not the same but we have a similar concept for aperture groups where one can group the apertures together and then assign properties to the group.