Hi all,
For a small residential building when I validated the model having gap between two floors as default the validation passed successfully. But When I tried to extrude the ground floor (in detail mode) to remove the floor gap and did the validation its throwing error. I restarted revit and tried again the model passed the validation but after two to three times of validation the error again arises. Here is a screenshot of the error.
This is most likely a tolerance issue that happens after extruding the face.
Hi @asisnath, what is the tolerance value for the document? It looks like a tolerance issue.
Until Konrad gets a chance to get to the bottom of this, you can use the PO_ProjectChildToHost
command to project the apertures back to the room. That should fix the validation errors.
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Tolerance in Revit document you mean to say?
The command you mentioned next is a fix in rhino plugin I guess! I will give it a try .