Rhino 8 - AddtoDoc not working on Environmental Analysis Toolbar

Good morning,

I am happy to report that AddtoDoc now works seamlessly in R8 :smiley:
Thanks for looking into this


its me again :smiley:

I realised that some times the result geometry will not be “added to Doc”. What I suspect is that this is because of an invalid mesh. The results show up fine while the command is active, but when I click on addToDoc it creates an empty layer. The same mesh geometry throws me an invalid mesh message in GH when trying to do a PreviewVisulizationSet.

I wonder if there is a way to bypass this and still get the geometry, and if not, maybe there should be a message/warning?

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If you have a sample, @byron , of a geometry that creates an invalid mesh, I can try to add a better message about what went wrong. I’m a little doubtful that Rhinocommon will let us add the invalid mesh to the document but maybe there’s a workaround.