I try to install LBT1.5 using pollination grasshopper on my rhino6 today. The installation process seems work well and I didn’t receive any error report during installation, but when I run rhino/grasshopper, and try to pose an component of Honeybee/Dragonfly on the grasshopper work zone, my Rhino flash close directely without any error report, only those components of ladybug part could work.
I am quiet sure that I’ve uninstalled all previous LBT plugin before this installation, I’ve even uninstalled my previous Openstudio and urbanopt, but it still doesn’t work. Here is my Ladybug_tools file and my grasshopper interface.
Hi @ysun, Can you record a short video that shows the issue? I’m not sure if I follow the details here? Is my understanding correct that the honeybee and dragonfly components are crashing Rhino? If that’s the case, you should check this discussion on the Ladybug Tools forum.
Yes. This is an issue that you should probably report on the McNeel forum with a minimum example. They should be able to help. This is not really related to Ladybug Tools or Pollination.