Stuck in a loop?

Trying to do multiple parametric runs, had a problem with a ddy file(it was an incorect file).
Got simulation to run parametrically.

Tried changes but now cant get file to run. In debug no information I can see why it fails?

This may be wrong but, I grabbed the previous model hbjson which was known to work, inserted it into logic as below:

But the file also fails with no debug info:

Is my logic to test the fail flawed?
Can you help me see what I’m missing?

The reason for the re run in the original results html is giving odd information, looks like the dimentions / units are wrong very small numbers (the building is huge):

What I’m expecting is -50m and +50m here.

Thx in advance


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Hi @paul,

I don’t think anything is wrong with the Job you scheduled on Pollination Cloud. We had an incident in our production cluster which led to all runs failing for the last 15 hours or so :sweat_smile:. I have just fixed the issue so you should be able to retry your parametric runs and see the results.

Sorry for the lack of logs or information on why the runs were failing. The issue was being caused by the underlying tool we use to execute the tasks and we do not expose those logs to end users.

Thanks again for being patient with us during the Early Access period as we iron out the last little bugs from our platform! :raised_hands:

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Hi @Antoine

Not a problem, a reason is progress :slight_smile:

Appreciate being part of the early access.