Thank you for sharing the information, @ishitasingh!
- I forgot to ask the version of the LEED recipe. It might be similar to this issue. Can you share your sample model with us? cc: @mikkel
Annual Daylight_Failing Simulation ( Failed Task : CreateRadFolder) - #3 by mikkel - ladybug-tools - Ladybug Tools | Forum - Another reason can be that your hard drive is full. See here: RecursionError in annual daylight calculation HB 1.7.0 - #4 by mostapha - ladybug-tools - Ladybug Tools | Forum
- If neither of these cases were the reason, can you copy upload the log file here? It is inside the local simulation folder inside the
P.S. If the model is the same as the one that you shared here then this recursion might be happening because there are no rooms in the model. @mikkel do we have a check to ensure the model is valid for LEED simulation?