I think I’m on the right path but have one more step to take:
When I use this to grab rooms I want, do en-masse aps by ratio, then bake in Pol:
Failed to bake: Aperture "Face_ab9116e1-a901-4bca-b9fc-7c522424007c_Glz0"" has a parent Face. Add the Face to the model instead of the Aperture.
I’m assuming that the wanted ‘volatile’ aperature: would be one pre-assignment of parent:
i.e the aperture object before ‘hb add subface’.
which is nbd: can SDK that right quick:
Just wondering:

am I missing something super obvious?
otherwise I’m going to do the ole:
from ladybug_rhino.from_geometry import from_face3D_to_solid as ffts
new_geom = [ffts(ap.geometry, 0) for ap in aps_ ]
feed that into the geom component of an HB Aperture compo, then feed that into the PO bake apertures compo