Working within mechanical model and picking up apertures and doors from linked arch model

Hi @rafaelhok,

The design intent was that all the rooms/spaces will be in the host model. In your case mechanical model. May I ask why don’t you use the rooms from the arch model as the base in this case? Can’t you just add the missing rooms?

Now back to your questions:

I don’t think that is the case. As long as you select them in the links manager, and also pick them as apertures in the Export Model they should be imported. Did you change the links from Host to arch model and selected the apertures?

You should either fix those in the arch model or you can use alignment lines to align those walls to where you want them to be during the export. See this post:

P.S. I’ll get back to your other post soon. You caught me off guard by posting your questions on Friday evenings! :sweat_smile: