A few questions regarding shades

Hi all

here is my list of questions.

It is possible to assign only one kind of aperture shades to a room?
It is not possible to assign several kinds of them (indoor, outdoor, louver)?

In case of louver shades there is always a maximum created no matter what Shade_count is set to?

It is not possible to assign shades only to a single aperture, when there are more then one in a room?
It is not possible to pick a single aperture and add shades to it?

Hi @martin6, thanks for your questions.

I haven’t really used adding shades to apertures, but @antonellodinunzio knows more about it.
In my opinion, these are valid questions, and should be possible to be done.

Hi @martin6,

If you want to add shades to only some apertures you can use “Aperture shades”. Besides, because it is a Rhino command, it will save your latest command options (n. of shades, depth and so on). This feature can help you to add shades sequentially.
You could also isolate rooms to edit before adding shades. This can help during the selection of the apertures.


Could you clarify a bit more this latest question? What is your specific use-case/ need?

In case of louver shades there is always a maximum created no matter what Shade_count is set to?


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Hi @antonellodinunzio

I have already applied aperture shades. Now I’m asking for louver shades (shade count=1 just to make it extreme) . They are created but only to the indoor windows where I removed the border shades because they caused trouble with a peak load simulation. Hope the video makes it more clear.

Same if I choose only a single aperture. Nothing is created.
Looks like at the moment my model doesn’t accept more then one kind of shade
That’s not like it is supposed to be I guess.

Also there is still the question if it is possible to assign all three kinds of shades at the same time to one aperture (indoor, outdoor, louver)?

here is the file 018_18…

Hi @antonellodinunzio . Any thought on this?

Just tried a simple box model. Asked for 4 shades, received 19 !?

Here is the commandline response, just in case it might be helpful

Befehl: PO_AddApertureShades
Select apertures, rooms or orphaned faces that contains apertures ( Shades_mode=LouverShades )
Select apertures, rooms or orphaned faces that contains apertures. Eingabetaste drĂĽcken, wenn fertig ( Shades_mode=LouverShades )
Select options. Eingabetaste drĂĽcken, wenn fertig ( Distance_between=0.14  Shade_count=4  Depth=0.15  Angle=30  Facade_offset=0.1  Flip_start=Yes  Vertical=No  Indoor=No )
honeybee - ERROR - Failed to import honeybee_ies!
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Users\zz\ladybug_tools\python\Lib\site-packages\honeybee\__init__.py", line 16, in <module>
    extensions[name] = importlib.import_module(name)
  File "C:\Program Files\Rhino 7\Plug-ins\IronPython\Lib\importlib\__init__.py", line 37, in import_module
  File "C:\Users\zz\ladybug_tools\python\Lib\site-packages\honeybee_ies\__init__.py", line 4, in <module>
    import honeybee_ies._extend_honeybee
  File "C:\Users\zz\ladybug_tools\python\Lib\site-packages\honeybee_ies\_extend_honeybee.py", line 1, in <module>
    from .writer import shade_to_ies, room_to_ies, model_to_ies
  File "C:\Users\zz\ladybug_tools\python\Lib\site-packages\honeybee_ies\writer.py", line 11
    parent_geo: Face3D, opening_geos: List[Face3D], opening_type: int = 0) -> str:
SyntaxError: unexpected token ':'
19 shades are added to Room_4168d44e

You can ignore that error message. It’s because we have recently added a python 3 only package. Maybe we should not print this error message and make it warning so it doesn’t show up like that. What do you think, @chriswmackey?

This doesn’t mean that there is no errors with the shade. I’m just trying to say that error message has nothing to do with the issue of the shades.

Hi @martin6

I have already applied aperture shades. Now I’m asking for louver shades (shade count=1 just to make it extreme) . They are created but only to the indoor windows where I removed the border shades because they caused trouble with a peak load simulation. Hope the video makes it more clear.

I understand your use case. You would like to have a combination of border shades and louver shades. It means running the command twice using the same parent object.
It is not a bug but a restriction we set. But we can add a command option to skip the constraint.


@antonellodinunzio that is what I used to do in the past, but at the moment it doesn’t work at all a second time at the moment.

So you are saying this restriction was set in the meantime?

Hi @martin6,

we added an option to avoid skipping parent objects that already have shades. You can find it in the latest release.

So you can execute the command many times to add different aperture shades to the same parent object if you need.



Solution really?


20 shades are added to Room_123b3333

Why do I get 20 when I ask for 4?

I mean I can clearly see the benefit of having shades added regarding the individual size of each(edit) window.

But E+ and shades below ground level, that’s a least a warning, isn’t it?

Eventually it makes sense to have a switch to be able to assign them in general or just the amount I specify?

And maybe another switch to create them only fitting aperture size?

Also if I have shades connected to an aperture and I move it, the shades stay where they where created.

Wouldn’t it be consistent to at least create a rhino group, so they stay together when moved or change size when the aperture is modified?

Hi @martin6,

Why do I get 20 when I ask for 4?

Maybe you are using the option “Distance Between”. It is active if it is greather than 0. Can you confirm it? Can you try to set it 0?

About the edit issues I will let you know.


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Hi @antonellodinunzio , yes I can confirm I’ve used distance greater than 0.

Set to 0 it provides 4 shades. :+1: