Adding two service hot water systems to a zone

Hi @mostapha, thank you so much for your help. Ir worked great. I have another question, is there anyway to add two service hot water systems to a zone? Also, is it possible to add or edit the tank capacity?

Something this complex isn’t supported with the native Pollination Rhino plugin interfaces but you can make practically any system that you want using Ironbug in Grasshopper. Here is an example showing you how you can build and assign a custom service hot water system to the rooms of a Pollination/Honeybee Model using the Ironbug components: (37.5 KB)

You can see that the component on the left lets you set all of the sizing parameters of the hot water heater, including the tank capacity. Here is what the resulting system looks like in OpenStudio:

Adding multiple systems to the same room is as easy as copy/pasting the components that define the service hot water system and connecting them to the Ironbug HVAC system component.

For more information on how to use Ironbug with your Pollination Rhino models, see @mingbo 's tutorial videos here: