Butterfly is not included in the Pollination installer

Does the butterfly tool from LB come with the pollination installation or do I have to install it in some other way? I didn’t find the butterfly after the pollination installation, I thought Pollination had it all and all the necessary engines of all ladybug tools. Would be very handy to have CFD simulations in GH too

Hi @aiym,

The Pollination installer only includes the new LBT plugins and not the legacy ones. That includes Ladybug, Honeybee, and Dragonfly. We have yet to do that for Butterfly.

Hi @mostapha, oh okay, got it! Thank you! They don’t have it in food4rhino either)))

The latest release is Butterfly 0.0.05 which was released on 2019-02-23. You can download it from Food4Rhino:


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