Color by room or color by face

Hi all
like I mentioned here there is more to say.

ElectricEquipment and all below, there is no information shown

color by face Construction and all below

FaceType is working somehow

And on the whishlist is the amount of decimal places either adjustable or the lowest figure automatic?

Hi @martin6, thanks for reporting this issue. I spent some time last week and today improving ColorByRoomProperty and ColorByFaceProperty.

Could you please download the newest installer with 0.130.3, and let me know if it works as expected?

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Hi @mingbo looks much like things are getting much better.

The plugin is already fun and I’m sure it will be a success in the end.

Color by room property
First look, like before

after I established an online connection and loaded a file variation

all are displayed including ServiceHotWater

Rest still seems under construction

Setpoint ?
Which one(s)
Shw is ServiceHotWater again?
Ventilation = which one

Modifier I haven’t set them but seems OK.

Color by face property
Face type works
Construction does not
Right is GH

Rest I can’t say

But let me tell you @mingbo I’m really happy you realized the walls and ceilings and so on to be switched off.
Really great thing I missed most and would be much appreciated if implemented in GH too @mostapha?

Hi @martin6! Can you provide more information here. I’m not sure which feature is that? A screenshot will be really helpful for me to understand your wish better. Thanks.

@mostapha is something like this

when I use the HB Color Face Attributes component

Maybe there is already a way to do so, but I missed it till today

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…forgot to mention for ‘HB Color Faces’ it makes sese too

I’m not the right person to answer this question. @chriswmackey is the one who knows how this works and what is possible.

Are you asking how to turn off the visualization of specific Face or Aperture types, @martin6 ?

You can plug individual Faces and Apertures into the “Color By Face” component like so:

Does that answer your question?

Yes @chriswmackey that’s a really useful way to work with this component.

Else there is the HB Color Faces . Is there also a way to switch off certain elements?

@mingbo is there a reason why I have to start GH before I get the full information?

Also the doors and apertures disappear now when I filter walls. It used to work otherwise before.

Hi @martin6, RH plugin is independent from GH plugin, you don’t need to open GH before using RH plugin.

Thought so too @mingbo .
When I start Rhino, open a file it looks like shown above. When I load GH, open the corresponding file, the full list is displayed.

Hi @martin6,

Could you please share this model to me via a private message if you don’t want to share it publicly?

@mingbo here is the file 018_18…

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Hi @martin6, there was a bug in ColorByFaceProperty which might affect your model. Now I tested your model with the new version, it seems all is working fine on my side.

Well @mingbo can’t confirm yet. None of my models work when GH isn’t started

Hi @martin6, have you updated to the newest version?

If is the latest, then yes I did.

Should I restart the computer?

Yes, 0.132.1 is the latest by this moment. Could you do a simple test with a new box room to see if everything works for that?

No it doesn’t work without GH.

That’s really weird, ColorByFaceType doesn’t really use any python library, it is just a native property value for each face. I am not sure what’s going on here. How about ColorByRoomProperties? Do any of them work fine?