Core/Perimeter Zones

Hi @Mostapha,

Is it feasible to implement an automated way in Revit Pollination to subdivide a selected room into core/perimeter zones with customizable depths?

In many cases, we need to understand the perimeter zone’s heating/cooling loads on each direction as to size the HVAC systems in a wisely manner and also, it is a requirement of rating systems like NABERS.

I know it can be done easily through post-processing whether in LBT or IES, but it would be good to have this option as part of the optional pollination features if possible.


Hi @amirtabadkani,

This will be a nice feature to have. @tfedyna had a similar request for the Rhino plugin, @victorbrac has brought up the idea of only exporting the exterior walls from the Revit model and simplifying the process of creating premier and core zones.

I think we should start with the Rhino plugin and see if it makes sense to bring it to the Revit plugin. It can be tricky to do this in Revit since the geometry of the room/space doesn’t really exist in the Revit model. It’s a byproduct of different Revit elements and some magic that we do on top of that.

@mingbo and @ksobon, any thoughts on this?

Hi @amirtabadkani @mostapha, I am working on adding a new command for creating perimeter zones. I will keep you posted when it is ready.

Hi All,

A new command “PO_GenRoomPerimeters” has been added. You can download the latest version of the installer.


Thats Great @mingbo. Thanks for the update.


@amirtabadkani in Revit, as similar result can be achieved by drawing a single Area for the whole floor plate, or drawing a few of them for Cores. Basically, use the Area for geometry source, and you can get one big zone from the whole floor plate.

Thank you, @ksobon - Now that we support areas we can provide a reduced version of the export model that only extracts the areas and then use the core libraries to create the core/perimeter model based on the user input for the depth of the offset.

I believe that Dragonfly has this functionality already built in. @chriswmackey can confirm if that is the case.

Hey @mostapha ,

The geometry methods are there in the core libraries to generate the core/perimeter zones but they aren’t really exposed in a way that you can take an existing dragonfly model and turn it into something with core/perimeter rooms.

I guess I would ask @ksobon first how he would like to interact with this from Revit and then I can expose it this way. More specifically, would you want me to add a dedicated command for taking in a Dragonfly model and creating core/perimeter rooms @ksobon , or should I just add it as an option into an exiting command that you are using like dragonfly edit reset-room-boundaries?

Thank you, @chriswmackey! I will write a proposal about this on Basecamp. I have been thinking about it for some time now. Between the requests from @amirtabadkani and @victorbrac, I think I have a good idea of how the workflow can look like.

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