Curved rooms: Pollination in Rhino


I’m on a free trial with Pollination and am trying to use it to move a curvy building with curved rooms in Rhino into IESVE. I’m having a lot of problems with planar surfaces and don’t know rhino super well to fix the problem other than recreating the shape slowly into a more boxy look. I was told that it is possible to quickly convert curved rooms and spaces to be usable in Pollination. Can I get some help on this?

Hi @kerstintn, Welcome to the forum.

Are the faces double curvature or single curvature? This topic might be a good starting point but there are more advanced solutions that you can use too.

Thank you for the quick response Mostapha!

I believe they are double curvature. I can’t view the image. I am doing a similar process than what the video is showing, but it is not very effective and I see myself running into issues.

If it’s helpful, here is an image of what the building looks like in rhino.

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And here’s an image of what I’ve been doing to attempt to make it viable for Pollination. There are rooms that do not follow this geometry in the interior that I foresee causing more geometry issues.

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Hi @kerstintn, thank you for sharing the screenshot.

For those geometries, the fastest option is to use Grasshopper. Honeybee has a component that helps with that.

You can use that to convert the geometry to a planar geometry and bake it back to Rhino. Do you know how to use Grasshopper? The component is easy to use if you do know Grasshopper but let me know if recording a sample video can help.

Fantastic! I don’t know grasshopper too well, so a quick recording would be helpful!

Sure! Here you go. As I mentioned in the video there are ways to make the geometry cleaner but this will get you what you need pretty quickly.

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Thank you @mostapha,
I will go ahead and try this out today.

One thing I am concerned about is how I will place the windows and doors on the model if the geometry is randomly divided.
If you get the chance, could you show a method of having more control on the faces, or let me know if the above concern wouldn’t end up being a problem?

Thank you!

Hi @kerstintn, can you share your model with us? That way I can use them to record the video. Just the non-planar part of the model would be enough. If you can’t share the model publicly, you can share it with me using a private message.

I cannot upload the file because I’m a new user. Can you send me your email?

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Hi @kerstintn, I imagine you have already resolved the issue. Let me know if you still need help. I sent you a private message last week which you can use to share your model with me. Thanks.

Hi @mostapha,
Unfortunately, no. I worked with someone in my firm to get all the rooms in order and tried the grasshopper method but it returned a lot of open polysurfaces. I just got the file ready for you.

If you go into render view, you can see where windows and doors need to be placed.

I hope you can find a way around this! We’d love to show this off to our firm if we can get it to work, but my pollination and IESVE trial licenses will expire soon.
Curved Building.3dm (4.2 MB)

Hey @kerstintn ,

I spent an hour or so with the model and I got the first two floors done:

You can see that the interior adjacencies are all correct:

… and I showed you some workflows for adding apertures in the video below.

Here is the model with the first two floors:
Curved Building_CWM.3dm (7.7 MB)

Here are a couple of Grasshopper definitions that I used in the workflow: (78.1 KB) (102.4 KB)

And here’s a video showing the general workflow that I used to get the first two stories complete:

Let me know if you have any questions as you work on the last two stories.


Thank you @chriswmackey,

I’ve gotten considerably ahead but am experiencing an error when I try to bake the model with non-watertight objects (100101). I’m having trouble finding where the problem is since the model isn’t baked yet. Is there anything I can add to grasshopper to aid/solve this problem?

Image for clarification attached.

Also, how do I get a planar roof to apply to multiple rooms? When I use Dragonfly, the roof you created is only applying to one room on the 2nd floor as well.