Hello! I’m currently trying to deploy an app from github following the documentation but Im stuck at step 9
I have the github repository, added the secrets k/v and made a release.
Is there something I’m missing or a step missing between 8 and 9? I don’t see the app on the pollination site like it does in step 9. How is pollination supposed to know about this repo so I can get the app deployed? I’m a little confused about how to deploy from github. I tried logging into the pollination website via GitHub but had issues, so I could not, if that is pertinent information.
Hi @tfedyna, did you see the message that the app was being deployed to Pollination when you ran the GitHub action? Do you see the app here?
Hi @mostapha, I do not see my app on that page. I didn’t see any messages, I’d gone to the repo homepage to check for the ‘doing stuff’ for actions circle but I didn’t see anything running, I just assumed I was to late. I’ll try another release and be more mindful of what is going on
Do you see the GitHub Action file in the repository? You might have missed generating them?
I did miss generating them, I skipped over the much necessary prerequisites I’m working on getting things set up correctly now