I had been using Pollination Rhino plug-in. It’s an amazing tool, so much better than the other tools we had been using. And it has control Z too. However, I am facing the following issues:
I have created a Rhino pollination model, solved all adjacency issues and saved as hbjson file.
When importing the exported hbjson file into grasshopper using hbload objects its showing these issues: “1. Imported Model schema version “1.44.0” is newer than that with the currently installed Honeybee “1.43.10”.
The Model may fail to import or (worse) some newer features of the Model might not be imported without detection.” Is there a way around for now?
When opening the hbjson file in Rhino, its showing these issues and few zones are not loading properly. What could be the best practices and are there any checks?
Glad to see that the overall experience has been positive!
Any chance that you are trying to import the file on a different computer that has an older version of honeybee installed? The Pollination Rhino plugin comes with the latest version of Ladybug Tools. This means if you use the Rhino plugin installer the versions should always being compatible.
We are actually discussing this issue internally during the last couple of days. How did you create this HBJSON file? Was it created from Grasshopper? The way the two plugins are currently working with tolerance is slightly different. Is it possible for you to share this file with us privately so we can test it on our side?
Hi @anubis, I checked your model, I think the issue comes with exporting hbjson model without checking invalid geometries.
The reason that there are some “invalid” geometries in your model is because some rooms doesn’t align with adjacent rooms within model’s tolerance, and you used SolveAdjacency command to split faces which creates some tiny edges and tiny surfaces. You can use PO_CheckGeometryAdjacency command to visualize all rooms with issues. Meanwhile, you can also use PO_ValidateModel to get an in-depth validation report.
When you save the model as HBJson file, the plugin doesn’t check if there is any tiny edge/face. However, plugin does some validation checks when importing a HBJson file, which is why you see all these error messages.