Thanks @mostapha share me the latest version.
I tested use Pollination Rhino plugin to export eQuest model for energy modeling.
Pollination Rhino plugin worked fine,but has a littte bug to fix.
Here is the screenshot of Pollination Rhino plugin
I created 5 floor building. First floor has 9 rooms, other floor has 1 room.
First floor plan is 8 office and 1 corridor.
eQuest read the inp file and showed as this
Floor 2-5 is right,but 9 room of floor 1 is nor right place.
For Room 1_4, the Azimuth is 46.23.I try to set as 0. It showed right.
After changed all Azimuth of as 0, this floor showed right.
But the ground floor and ceiling still not right. I try to fix this.
For ground floor Face6_ea92e265, the Azimuth is 151.65,I try to change as 180. It change to right.
For the Azimuth of roof can be set to 180.
As the all ground floor and roof Azimuth to 180, the whole model showed right as Rhino 3d viewport.
Here is the hbjson file and eQuest inp file.
test.hbjson (127.3 KB) (19.7 KB)