Failure to read IDEAL AIR SUPPLY heating and cooling value from different run index of parametric simulation

Hi everyone,

In my parametric simulation study I use Pollunation , when I try to reading the results , I can read the ‘Total Zone Ideal Loads Supply Air Total Cooling and Heating Energy Intensity’ data using the ‘HB Colour Rooms’ tool in the first run index (FIG 1) , but when I change the working index, I get this problem ‘1. Solution exception:None of the ColorRoom data collections could be matched to the input rooms’ which I think is related to pulling model data.(FIG 2)

Fig. 1, the formation of the result of the run with index 0

Fig. 2, Error in run indexes 1-3

Thank you for your advice.

Hi @agahtastemir,

  1. Try to disconnect the load study component from the Pollinate component. You can connect the study directly using a panel.
  2. Right-click on the components that I circled and make sure they are changed to be blocking (see the red lines).
  3. Use the downloaded model from Pollination yo get the rooms for the specific study (see the green lines).

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Hi Mostapha, thank you for your quick reply!

I followed your steps but this time I got such an error, I hope I did the right steps…

“1. Solution exception:Expected honeybee Room for ColorRoom rooms. Got <type ‘str’>.”


You are almost there, @agahtastemir .

Just pass the model output from the “PO Load Assets” component through the HB Load Objects component.

Right now, the “PO Load Assets” component is just spitting out the file path of the HBJSON model. You need to load the model from the file into a Python Model object to be able to use it with the HB Color Rooms component.


Thank you for quick response @chriswmackey !

Its done :slight_smile:

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