Further developement of the ladybug apps

Hi ! I would like to ask if it planned to be developed other apps in pollination ladybug-tools such as daylight factor, direct sun hours, UDI: Usefull Daylight illuminance, sDA: Spatial Daylight Autonomy, for Revit.

Hi @nathanaeltz - This question is a little bit confusing since the question is asking about apps but it has been posted under the recipes category! :slight_smile:

The studies that you are looking for are all already available as recipes:

  • daylight factor ā†’ Here is the daylight factor recipe.
  • direct sun hours ā†’ Here is the direct sun hours recipe.
  • UDI: Usefull Daylight illuminance ā†’ It is one of the outputs of the annual daylight recipe
  • sDA: Spatial Daylight Autonomy ā†’ You can post-process the output of the annual daylight recipe for this one. @mikkel will also release the recipe for LEED that he has been developing with an app to post-process the results.

As you already have figured this out, you can export the Revit model and run it through any of these recipes. We are yet to close the gap on the Revit end for visualizing the results inside Revit but you can see the results on the web or inside other tools like Rhino. For instance here is the results of the daylight factor simulation that you ran.

Assuming that you want to use them as an app instead of recipes, what are the limitations of the recipes that make you want them to be available as apps?

Hi Mostapha, thank you for your extensive reply. I asked the question before figuring out how the cloud works with the recipes etc. Thus, I can see my results now and I am familiarized with the content. I think that the recipes are full incorporated into the cloud in comparison with grasshopper. I hope I dont miss anything. Neverthless, exterior surfaces, e.g. facades, cannot be simulated since the .json files consider Revit rooms. For instance direct sunlight hours simulation on facade is essential at the early design stage. Thus, that is a limitation compared to grasshopper ladybug features.

Thank you.

Good point! This is currently correct about the Revit plugin only because we have only implemented the option for generating the sensor grids for the floor plans. It is quite straightforward how to do this for other elements in the building. We can prioritize this item to be implemented sooner if it is an important item for you.

cc: @chriswmackey

I was actually planning to add support for this week as part of the planned embellishments to the Revit export workflows. Granted, it will still take a little time between when I add the commands to the core libraries and we get them in the Revit plugins but this should be done relatively soon. Iā€™m planning to add commands that do the following:

  • grids from-apertures (particularly helpful for radiation studies of solar gain)
  • grids from-faces (with the option of selecting walls or roofs or both, which is helpful for radiation benefit studies or Roof PV potential)

If there are more grid-generation workflows that you think you would need, just let us know.

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