Green wires despite Pollination Component not being selected

I sometimes get this unusual behaviour where the wires connected to the Pollination component change to green as if the component is selected, even though it isn’t:

This obviously isn’t really an issue, but since it’s uncommon behaviour for GH I’m flagging it just in case it’s indicative of a larger problem.

Thanks @Max, it might because of the component went into a wrong state that tells GH doesn’t expire the graphic cache and redraw it. I did a quick test with parametric study, and trying to recreate this issue. But I cannot.

Could you try to right-click the component to disable/enable it to see if returns to a correct state?
And please let us know when you are able to recreate this issue and how to recreate it, so that we can try to do it on our side?

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Hi @mingbo, it seems to come up when I make a copy of an existing component:

Thanks @Max for reporting this, I have fixed it and it will work fine in the next release.

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