Not able to select "add HVAC
Hi @herosh, that looks like a bug. What’s your screen resolution?
@mingbo, can you suggest a quick fix here?
1920x1080 display resolution.
but still not visible to select HVAC
Hi @herosh, it is mainly because of the length of ID. It is too long and forces all titles with double words to be double-lined, which includes the height of each row, and ended up pushing the last row (HVAC) outside of view.
I will push a fix in the next version.
Hi @mingbo , Is there any other option to add HVAC to the scheme data?
If possible, can you show the line of code (any of the HVAC)
Hi @herosh, I made some improvements to the RoomProperty dialog, and it should work well with your model. You can download the latest version to update the Rhino plugin.
okay will try thanks
Hi @herosh, did the fix resolve the issue for you?
hi, my license was expired i couldn’t
Hi @herosh, I added you to a license pool so you can get your school project done. Let me know if it works on your end.
I would like to use it, how does the license pool work? it i followed the Manage license pool but not showing any members
Try running the PO_LicenseManager
command from inside Rhino. Then click on Retrieve a license
. That should activate your license.
Yes it worked thanks
so I should uninstall the rhino plugin to check HVAC right?
Correct! You need to install the latest version.
yes now it is showing
It is working, but adding HVAC- PTAC not running successfully.
You should start a new topic for this one.
even applying in one room itself failure