Hi all, I’m relatively new to Pollination and have been working to create an early box model for a school. I don’t have any issues setting the model up or getting it uploaded and running using the Pollination Panel. But for some reason when I run the annual energy use study, I only get heating/cooling EUIs if I use Ideal Air Loads. Any other system and I am only getting lighting/equipment outputs.
Can you share the model with the HVAC system that’s not yielding heating/cooling results? Or can you share a link to the study with the results that you didn’t expect?
It’s just tough to know if the issue is with the system not being assigned correctly or something happening in the reporting of the system results without the file.
Sure thing, here is the file!
Rhino File
After working on it more, I was able to assign the Ironbug systems in Grasshopper and get the model to run correctly there.
Hey @jroth ,
I am unable to create the issue that you are talking about with the model that you uploaded by running the simulation locally with OpenStudio:
You clearly have a detailed Ironbug HVAC system assigned and you get heating/cooling results from it.
Could it be that you are using an old version of a recipe on Pollination, which has an older version of OpenStudio that is not compatible with the Ironbug HVAC that you have here? What version of which recipe are you running?