Is there any way Member users can see who is currently accessing a license?

As an Owner user, I can see who is currently utilizing a license from our Revit plugin license pool. Is there any way a standard Member user can see the license activity?

Hi @vanruitm, welcome to the forum!

That is by design. Only the organization owners can manage the license pools.

Can you give me a bit more context about the use case here? What is the scope of the permissions that you want a non-owner to have?

  • Are they also going to be able to revoke the access of the current user?
  • Are they also able to add/remove members from the license pool?

What’s the ideal user story in your case? We might need to add a new user type.

Hi @mostapha thanks for the reply!

I’d like to give one of my Member users access to view who currently has the license retrieved, so he could return the license in case someone forgets to return it. Or, at least be able to view who’s using the license at any given time. A ‘LicenseAdmin’ user type would be beneficial without giving full Owner access.

Please let me know if this is possible, thanks again.


Hi @vanruitm, thank you for the additional information. Makes sense.

I will document it internally. I believe that it should be possible. We have a similar request for a “Billing manager” user type. We should probably address both together.

Just to set the expectations, it will take us some time before we can get to implementing this feature. The holiday season is coming and we already have a few tasks on the list.

Thanks again, not a huge deal but it would be beneficial.


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