Issue with Exported XML File

Hi all,

I’m currently using the Rhino Plugin and have encountered an issue when exporting XML files. The exported file is only 27KB in size, and when I attempt to import it into DesignBuilder, I receive the error message: “Error importing 3-D model. Please check that the model includes spaces.”

I followed the steps: “Save as → Choose Green Building XML → Save,” but the issue persists.

Could you please advise if there is a solution to this issue, or if there are specific settings I need to adjust during the export process to ensure compatibility with DesignBuilder?

Hey @shuyan, you might want to check if you have any rooms in your model.

PS: It is just strange that we could import a gbxml file to IES even if there is no space/room in the model (let’s say importing only surrounding buildings). On the other hand, DesignBuilder doesnt allow us to do that. I’m just wondering if anyone else had the same problem.


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Thank you very much! It seems that parts of my model are running successfully, but I encountered an error in some areas, as shown in the attached picture. Could you help me understand what this error means?

Hi @shuyan, is your model valid? What do you see when you run the PO_ValidateModel command? Can you share your model with us?

Here is the share link to the model. An error occurs during the export when the middle block is included. If the middle block is not included, the other parts can be successfully exported after adding room.

Hi @shuyan, I downloaded your model and took a looks at it and found some validation issues.

  1. non planar face
  2. self intersecting geometry:

  3. Room intersection this doesn’t cause an error but it could still be an issue, it looks like room 2 has a part of room 3 inside of it:
    intersecting rooms issue

@mostapha should #3 be caught by model validation?


Thank you, @tfedyna for reviewing the model. The validation routine only checks the overlaps between the rooms if they are in the same level. These two rooms are not.


@shuyan, this doesn’t look like a proper energy model. Are you planning to break it down on every floor? @chriswmackey is the best person to explain why you get that error message.

Yes, I plan to break it down on every floor and make modifications to prevent the error mentioned earlier. Afterward, I will attempt to export the model again. Thank you for your assistance.

Looking at the error message, you can see that the issue happens because of the identifier that is used for the story of your model is -40.5. It seems that gbXML does not like it if you use negative numbers for IDs and we should change the PO_AddRooms command use an identifier other than just the number of the floor elevation for the story identifier by default.

Something like Elevation-40.5 would be much better than just writing the number and hoping that it is an acceptable unique identifier. I am reassigning this issue to @mingbo so that he can change the behavior of the PO_AddRooms command in the Rhino plugin.

In the meantime, I have just added an extra check to the code base here to make sure that this does not happen when saving gbXML files:

Essentially, I just replace the negative sign with the text neg. So this change will be in the next release of the Rhino plugin.

To get around the issue for the time being, you can get the export to succeed by just changing the name of the stories to something other than just a negative number. You should also fix the other validation issues that Trevor pointed out since the non-planar geometry will also prevent you from saving the gbXML file.

Since this is a limitation when exporting gbXML and not a bug, I’d prefer not to change PO_AddRooms command for making this work. I think adding an extra check in saving gbXML in Python code is the ideal fix. I just triggered a new release for Rhino plugin which should include Chris’ updates.

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