Hello Pollination team. First thumbs up for the great product. I really enjoyed working with your amazing tool.
I was trying a simple parametric direct sun hours analysis on pollination. All jobs ran successfully, However, job status is not updating though all jobs have been done minutes ago.
Hi @mostapha , thanks for your reply
No, it is still there. I was testing the “private” access, could it be the reason? (How can I make it public again?) Test folder
Maybe good to add this:
Sorry for the bug on our end. I have fixed your stuck job manually. We have seen this happen on rare occasion for a few users over the last couple of months so I will make some time to get to bottom of this.
Hi @antoinedao@mostapha
I am experiencing this bug again. I have uploaded a parametric study with 100 variants each variant is a new job.
What I see is that the simulation was completed in 2 min for each job
The good practice is to submit them as several runs and as a single job. Is it a single job or multiple jobs that are stuck? Can you share the ID of one of them with me so I can have a look?
It was multiple jobs that were stocked. I had to run them as different jobs because of our workflow. The inputs were communicating with different algorithms and we couldn’t do several runs in a single job because the data structure should have been matching when iterating over them for reading the results.