(Anuj Mittal)
November 13, 2023, 10:26am
Hello All,
I am trying to add to the weather report sample app provided by you, I am able to add the comfort hourly heatmap to the app.
What i am wondering is that the legend segment text that get on the app is as per the data collection, which is from -5 to 5.
-5 = Extreme Cold Stress (UTCI < -40)
-4 = Very Strong Cold Stress (-40 <= UTCI < -27)
-3 = Strong Cold Stress (-27 <= UTCI < -13)
-2 = Moderate Cold Stress (-12 <= UTCI < 0)
-1 = Slight Cold Stress (0 <= UTCI < 9)
0 = No Thermal Stress (9 <= UTCI < 26)
+1 = Slight Heat Stress (26 <= UTCI < 28)
+2 = Moderate Heat Stress (28 <= UTCI < 32)
+3 = Strong Heat Stress (32 <= UTCI < 38)
+4 = Very Strong Heat Stress (38 <= UTCI < 46)
+5 = Extreme Heat Stress (46 < UTCI)
but in grasshopper it somehow translates these numbers to text as per the description as shown in the image below.
I have tried looking for this property, but I am not able to find it. Obviously I can just manually feed these values, but I am trying to find where it is in the SDK.
Please guide me to the right location. thanks.
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November 14, 2023, 1:12am
Hi @anujm1ttal , See this topic:
I have a workaround for you, @lucaslima , until we get the categorized legend parameters supported, which is to just convert all of the data into your visualization set into integers and then use the ordinal_dictionary of the normal LegendParameters to map the integers to text.
Here is a sample JSON file:
Ordinal_Legend.vsf (27.5 KB)
It’s a little more setup that you’ll have to do in the app. But, if you use this workaround, it should work with the current implementation in the Rhin…
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(Anuj Mittal)
November 14, 2023, 10:28am
Hi @mostapha
thanks for pointing me to that discussion. I hadn’t seen the ordinal_dictionary
of the legend parameters. Its really neat.
I think you have the type set as float instead of string for labels in the heatmap chart.
is it possible to change the type to float/string.
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November 14, 2023, 7:51pm
This is a question for @chriswmackey !
I’m not sure this is a question for me since I don’t know who wrote that code.
Could this be code that is in Ladybug Charts , @mostapha ?
November 14, 2023, 8:19pm
Ah! Now that I see the question on a larger screen I see that this is related to ladybug-charts
. I’m not sure if @devang remembers why that is set they way it is but you should feel free to edit the code as needed, @anujm1ttal . I also saw that you sent a PR that I didn’t have a chance to review yet! Thank you for that.
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November 14, 2023, 8:57pm
I didn’t know at the time that in Ladybug you directly get the categories shown in the Legend. I agree that would be better to show the categories directly.
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(Anuj Mittal)
November 15, 2023, 9:38am
@mostapha that PR is for windrose chart. its a feature to be able to rotate and change the number of directions in the windrose chart.
thanks for the hint, i will try and see if i can change the code in the dev version and send a PR for that as well.
Thanks all for your quick replies.
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(Anuj Mittal)
November 15, 2023, 5:24pm
@mostapha sent a PR for heatmap as well.
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