I’ve been using the LB UTCI Comfort component for outdoor UTCI runs, and recently got access to SIMScale to run our CFD analysis…
I’d love to be able to run the UTCI calcs with localized wind conditions on pollination. The HB UTCI recipe doesn’t seem to accept local wind speeds for each test point, rather wind speeds for each hour of the simulation period. First thought was to repeat east test point value for the number of hours of analysis, will the Pollination recipe accept this?
Any recommendations on how to accomplish this? Has anyone created a pollination equivalent for this component? Creating my own recipe seems out of my league at the moment. Is there still plans for a web based recipe builder?
That sounds great! Looking forward to seeing that…
In the meantime, it would still be worthwhile to add the Ladybug UTCI recipe or expose the local wind conditions feature on the HB UTCI recipe for others without access to SimScale (aka butterfly users
This is supported on the latest version of the recipe. You’ll see that there’s an air-speed-matrices input that is intended for the purpose of specifying detailed air speeds from CFD:
I tried to run a test run (as i have not used the HB equivalent of this recipe before, only the LB workflow), and I started without wind speeds. Unfortunately, I couldn’t get that to run and I’m coming up with this error…
“Object reference not set to and instance of an object.”
I’ll include my definition here… Frankly, it could be completely wrong for this type of study, but I’m going off of other peoples examples I’ve seen in the past.
Hi, @jakechevriersg, can you right-click on the component and see what’s the version of the component? If you are using an older version then try to install the latest version of the plugin and try again.
Uninstalled all of my Ladybug and Pollination components, then reinstalled with the pollination package so i got it running, i would like to know what happened though, since im sure i’ll get questions about this in the firm…
New issues arise with the download weather component, fed in local files for now…
The new installer is supposed to remove the old version by running the following command. Could you try to run this command manually to see if it works? If it doesn’t, then it’d be a question for @chriswmackey to double check. "C:/Program Files/ladybug_tools/python/python.exe" -m ladybug_rhino remove-gh-components