LEED Daylight Option II is now publicly available on Pollination!

Hello :pollination: community!

We are glad to announce that the LEED daylight recipe and app for LEED Option II are now available on Pollination. You can use the recipe to run the studies, and the app to visualize and explore the results of the study.

Unlike all the other available solutions in the market, you can review every step of the process on GitHub.

:information_source: For the ones who are curious, there is also a recipe and an app for the option I which we are currently working on finishing the documentation. Both of them are already available on Pollination and we will be making the official announcement soon.

LEED Daylight Option II Recipe

Using a point-in-time approach, leed-daylight-option-two performs two illuminance simulations at 9 am and 3 pm. The recipe will automatically evaluate the epw/wea file and find the clearest skies within 15 days of September 21 as well as within 15 days of March 21. The two clearest skies are averaged for 9 am and 3 pm.

Illuminance levels

The post-processing determines whether the illuminance levels for both point-in-time simulations are between 300 and 3000 lux. In addition, if the spaces have “view-preserving automatic (with manual override) glare-control devices,” the user can enable a condition that ignores the upper illuminance level. LEED credits are assigned based on the percentage of floor area with illuminance levels between 300 lux and 3000 lux, or above 300 lux if the glare-control device condition is enabled.

Here are two video tutorials for getting you started. We will be recording similar videos for running the recipe from inside Rhino and Revit soon.

LEED Opt 2 Part I: Daylight Simulation using Pollination Grasshopper

LEED Opt 2 Part II: Daylight Visualization using Pollination Grasshopper

LEED Daylight Option II App

Even though you can visualize the results in Grasshopper, we have also developed an app to make it easier to explore the results for non-grasshopper users. The app takes the output of a leed-daylight-option-two study and presents the results:

  • Overview: The LEED points awarded and the percentage of floor area passing the illuminance thresholds.
  • Visualization: A 3D visualization of the illuminance at 9 am and 3 pm, as well as Pass/Fail visualizations at 9 am, 3 pm, and one combined.
  • Summary report: A summary report that provides an overview of all sensor grids combined, including the LEED points awarded.
  • Space by space breakdown: Present the floor area passing the illuminance levels for both 9 am and 3 pm for each sensor grid in a table.

LEED Opt 2 Daylight Simulation and Visualization using Pollination Apps

:information_source: As of now it is not possible to export a PDF report of the results.

We are looking forward to hearing your feedback on the recipe and the app which will help us to prioritize the next steps of the development.


@mikkel Can this be run fully in the Cloud? I have HBJSON models, and would like to use them as input for this simulation, will I be able to get the results as a JSON or something without even opening Rhino/Grasshopper? Cannot find anything in the standard docs about HBJSON → Cloud sim → JSON/some-data-format.

Hi @julianriise,

Welcome to the forum.

Yes, you do not need to open Rhino/Grasshopper for either running studies or downloading results; you can do both on Pollination.

Here is the run from the video. Under Outputs you can see all the results. If you are only looking for the summary you can find and download that as a JSON file called ‘credit-summary’ and ‘space-summary’ as a CSV file.

If you want the folders you can find zipped folders if you navigate to the outputs in the folder structure.

10 posts were split to a new topic: Questions about Running LEED Daylight Option II