I have created a model however I can’t validate the model as it keeps giving me the error of missing adjacency.
I have tried the following to fixed it but none working:
solve adjacency.
delete the room and draw a new one
delete that part of the builidng. However, if I delete one room, the remaining boundary becomes “missing adjacency”. therefore I can’t even work with half of the model.
The room that has the issue was deleted and redraw. However, its adjacency has always been wierd. (not attaching the ground even if the elevation is 0)
Could you help me look into this please, Thank you!
Hi @ivylili, you can fix the issue by using the AlignInPlan command to align those two faces.
That said, I see other issues including colliding rooms and small edges. What’s the target software for running your studies? Is it EnergyPlus/OpenStudio? Or are you using IES VE or other tools?
It feels to me that the “solve adjacency” is not working for this model.
For example, if I delete some room or a whole floor, and try to re-solve adjacency, it can’t tell that the adjacent room is removed, so report it as missing adjacency. Do you have any idea why?
That’s helpful. You can ignore this adjacency validation error for daylight simulation. I suggest doing a quick export to GEM and see if the colliding rooms will be an issue. Your model tolerance is too high for VE. If I remember correctly it was set to a centimeter. I suggest trying a mm.
That’s how it is supposed to work. Once you remove the rooms you should try either PO_RebuildRooms or PO_ResetBoundaryCondition to reset the boundary conditions.
I will try to record a video for you tomorrow so you can see how you can clean up your model.
There are a lot of misalignments in this model that generate tiny faces after the SolveAdjacency command. So I use the PO_AlignInPlan along with PO_RebuildRooms (set merge coplanar to true) to fix all misalignments first.
I have not encouraged any crashing Rhino cases during the process, not sure how and why you experienced it.
I also noticed that you set all interior surfaces as AirBoundary, and I see all rooms are valid functional rooms not like a double height atriums. So, I assume that you set them by mistake when using the PO_SolveAdjacency with AirBoundaryOverride option set to true. I just reset all of surfaces with correct face type.
Thanks for taking care of this @mingbo . I just wanted to share a thought about this:
I didn’t see a mention of crashing on this thread before this but, assuming it was mentioned somewhere, this might be because the driver for your CPU is out of date. I remember I was having a threading issue like this related to Pollination in Rhino 8 where it would crash whenever I went to PO_EditProeprties@mingbo suggested that I update my CPU driver and, sure enough, that fixed it. So it might be worth trying this on your end as well.