I’m trying to model in Rhino Plugin a vertical exterior curtain (or vertical wooden panel) to shade a window.
When adding an aperture shade as a louver, I was trying to get a 90degree tilt but I don’t get the correct rotation. It seems that the plane is not set from the aperture itself.
Do you know what would be best way for me to model that?
@olivierdambron - thank you for reporting this issue. Appreciate you taking the time to document them with clear videos. @mingbo is traveling this week but he should be able to help when he comes back next week. Cheers!
This command is basically using the same code from “HB Louver Shades” component. @antonellodinunzio can correct me if I am wrong. So the angle input is the same as the one from this component. But I can confirm that 90 degrees don’t work correctly. I think I will rewrite this command as this was one of the first commands that we added while we are figuring out a lot of workflows.
I will keep you posted once I have it updated.