More environmental analysis commands

Hi Team,

The environmental analysis commands in the Pollination Rhino Plugin are great for designers.

Can we also bring the following Ladybug capabilities to the Pollination Rhino Plugin?

  • 3D chart (Most importantly for Dry-bulb temperature and Relative Humidity)
  • Radiation Rose
  • UTCI 3D chart
  • UTCI Spatial
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Thank you, @dev for posting this feature request. I would like to hear from other users if they would also be interested in adding these new commands.

Hey @dev, I have a question for you about dotNetCore compatibility. Do you encounter any issues with these environmental analysis commands in Rhino 7 and Rhino 8 (both dotNetCore and dotNetFramework)?

Hi @mingbo,

I have been testing the plugin in Rhino 8 under,

  1. .NET Framework 4.8.9282.0
  2. .NET 8.0.11

And it seems to work fine.

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I also tested in Rhino 7 (Just for you) and it works there too.


Thank you @dev, that’s good to hear everything works on your side.