Another question on understanding, sorry. In grasshopper with the ladybug plugin, we had hourly continuous data (our temporal result for a single point in space) and if we had a spatial result, it would be a data tree of hourly continuous results (I think I am correct here right?).
So my question on Pollination, it seems instead of passing around these data trees (memory-intensive I assume) we save the data down as a CSV? Is that a CSV per point? or is it a CSV of say, point vs time (a table) of data representing x number of points and 8760 hours in a year? (this would actually make my life easier if I could just pandas to_csv).
Hi @devang thanks for replying, I am not actually, rather I am trying to understand a recipe (UTCI in this case) so I can eventually write my own. So for example, if I had UTCI, or temperature, or wind speed (the latter being my particular interest) and I wanted to pass it onto other components or recipes, what format does it take?
I think though, I could just run this recipe and inspect what pops out?
I am not sure this will answer you question since we don’t know at which point in the recipe you are.
However, I can share that the resulting UTCI that the recipe calculates is a matrix. Which is two-dimensional data. If you run the public UTCI recipe. What you will get is a CSV that has the number of rows equal to the number of test points in the analysis of your model and the number colums that are equal to the hours in the run_period.
So if you have a model with an analysis area that has 100 sensor points then the resulting csv will have 100 rows and 8760 columns of data since the default value of run_period is a whole year.
Hi @dlynch, just to add more details to @devang’s reply.
It depends on the next task that wants to consume the output. We don’t have any limitations on the file format itself. Any file can be generated and passed to the next task.
Also you can always run the recipe and explore it on the app. Here is an example for UTCI: Pollination Cloud App
You can see the inputs and outputs that are generated during the execution under the workspace tab:
If you are checking the run for the first time the Debug tab can be really helpful to inspect every step of the process and see the command, inputs and outputs.