Partition surfaces having two different conditions - i.e. window & wall


I have imported a model from IES into Rhino. The model has been validated with no errors but partition walls which have internal glazing are showing as both glazing and wall/air boundaries etc. See the screenshot below. I have notices all spaces are considered external walls as well.

I have tried the following:

  • Adjusting the unit tolerance
  • po_rebuildsurfaces
  • po_solveadjacencies
  • po_rebuildapeturesdoors

Any help on how to fix this would be greatly appreciated.



Hi @dfox,

Can you share the HBJSON and the GEM file for debugging? It’s hard to tell from the screenshot.

What’s your goal of importing the model to Rhino? Are you trying to run daylight studies?

That’s expected. You always need to run solve adjacencies after importing a GEM file to Rhino.

Thank you for the fast response mostapha.

I am trying to use the model to run a daylight study, BREEAM Hea 01.

I can’t message you privately on my account to send the GEM file. I can receive messages though. Is there an alternative way to send you the GEM file.


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