PO_Radiation study legend/results inversion

Hi (and happy new year!),

Post update:

I noticed when the legend is vertical the results are inverted (happens for multiple PO daylight and radiance studies) - but the legend inverts to be correct when switching to horizontal. Could the the vertical one be investigated to update (in previous post it was mentioned it’s an issue with the latest Rhino).

Hi @robm,

Happy New Year! Looks like the McNeel team has fixed the bug in Rhino already. It should be fixed once the new SR is out.

@chriswmackey, I saw that you pushed a temporary fix here. In case you want to keep it then we have to make sure we limit the reverse to SR14 and SR15. Otherwise, it will cause an issue in SR16 and after.

Thanks, @mostapha

The version range of the bug fix has been limited to 8.14 <= 8.15.

We have a new release that should fix this issue. See here:

Thank you for reporting the issue, and sorry that it took longer than usual for us to push a fix. Let us know how it goes.