This is a wonderful command! I’m so glad you guys have thought of everything. I am however, receiving the below error when I run it:
Pollination Rhino Plugin: (2/9/2022)
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at Pollination.RH.RhinoCommands.PO_RebuildRooms.RebuildRooms(RhinoDoc doc, List`1 rooms)
at Pollination.RH.RhinoCommands.PO_RebuildRooms.RunCommand(RhinoDoc doc, RunMode mode)
That’s unfortunate! - Is it one of those cases that you can’t share your model? Or can you share the model with us?
If you can share the model we will fix it for you on our side.
If you can’t share it with us then the solution is to try to use the command for every story or a group of rooms to find the problematic room and then edit that one in place. This error shouldn’t happen.
@mingbo, is it possible to include the name of the problematic room in such cases so it is easier for the user to debug the model?
Po_snaptogrid and Po_check2dortho this two commands is very useful while debugging this error. As @mostapha said validating the model using Po_validate at each solve adjacency step, from scratch can help you identify error at early stages!