While I tried to show my friends the seasonal influence of the sun regarding their new house project, I found myself a bit distracted by explaining something about a new Plugin spoiling the fun with some strange behavior.
I didn’t define as single thing in Pollination regarding this file!
Any idea how I can get rid of such a display, without closing Grasshopper?
@ayezioro, thank you for the tip.
It led me to a previously unknown way of how to work with the Grasshopper Window.
What I am trying to show is, if there is something active in Rhino out of the Grasshopper canvas, you can find it by highlighting parts of the canvas or like in this case the whole canvas.
The picture indicates an active Sunpath component, but the buildings are generated somewhere else, out of actually hidden data.
When I go to the Pollination Plugin and set, ColorByFaceType: False, nothing happens
Sure I could Bake the Sunpath and close Grasshopper and go on explaining things to my friends, but I’m pretty sure that’s not the way our developers here like things to work.
The moment I start to move the model with 3D mouse the screen turns black when I stop the movement. Maybe because I upgraded to Pollination.RH, Version=
Hi @martin6, Let me update to the latest version and see if I can recreate the errors on my side. Is there a step-by-step process that you can document for me to recreate this issue. I have not been able to recreate the issue on my side so far.
For what is worth (about 2 cents) i think i’ve been there. I noticed that the preview component in GH shows in Rhino when the Preview is set to Off in Rendered mode. What i do is disable them completely for them to not be seen.
Give it a try. The workaround i use is using some of the Human plugin components instead of the GH Preview (like the PreviewMat).
Hope this helps,
Hi @martin6, I can’t replicate the black screen issue. I do not know how your gh files are made but this is the issue related to GH described by Abraham.
Great work. That’s the origin of the displayed Geometrie.
Regarding the black screen I suspect in the meantime Rhino itself or something with my computer configuration as the origin of the totally or partly black screen.
Since it appears only in the Perspective Viewport. But no idea yet where to look?
I would check in the Tools>Options>Viewe>Display Modes> Rendered>Lighting scheme. Change to whatever you think and see if it solves the issue. I’m pretty sure it is around this area.