I could recreate the issue locally. It has to do with an output file eplustbl.htm
that doesn’t get created.

@chriswmackey, I imagine something goes wrong during the simulation and that’s why the output is not created. The error message file is not really helpful.
Program Version,EnergyPlus, Version 9.5.0-de239b2e5f, YMD=2021.11.16 13:01,
************* Beginning Zone Sizing Calculations
** Warning ** Weather file location will be used rather than entered (IDF) Location object.
** ~~~ ** ..Location object=SITE 1
** ~~~ ** ..Weather File Location=BIRMINGHAM - GBR IWEC Data WMO#=035340
** ~~~ ** ..due to location differences, Latitude difference=[52.45] degrees, Longitude difference=[1.73] degrees.
** ~~~ ** ..Time Zone difference=[0.0] hour(s), Elevation difference=[9900.00] percent, [99.00] meters.
** Warning ** ProcessScheduleInput: Schedule:Day:Interval="OFFICELARGE BLDG_SWH_SCH_SAT", Blank Schedule Type Limits Name input -- will not be validated.
** Warning ** ProcessScheduleInput: Schedule:Day:Interval="OFFICELARGE BLDG_SWH_SCH_SMRDSN", Blank Schedule Type Limits Name input -- will not be validated.
** Warning ** ProcessScheduleInput: Schedule:Day:Interval="OFFICELARGE BLDG_SWH_SCH_WKDY", Blank Schedule Type Limits Name input -- will not be validated.
** Warning ** ProcessScheduleInput: Schedule:Day:Interval="OFFICELARGE BLDG_SWH_SCH_WNTRDSN", Blank Schedule Type Limits Name input -- will not be validated.
** Warning ** ProcessScheduleInput: Schedule:Day:Interval="SCHEDULE DAY 35", Blank Schedule Type Limits Name input -- will not be validated.
** Warning ** ProcessScheduleInput: Schedule:Day:Interval="SCHEDULE DAY 36", Blank Schedule Type Limits Name input -- will not be validated.
** Warning ** ProcessScheduleInput: Schedule:Year="0.05 HOT WATER LATENT FRACTION", Blank Schedule Type Limits Name input -- will not be validated.
** Warning ** ProcessScheduleInput: Schedule:Year="0.2 HOT WATER SENSIBLE FRACTION", Blank Schedule Type Limits Name input -- will not be validated.
** Warning ** ProcessScheduleInput: Schedule:Constant="ALWAYS OFF DISCRETE", Blank Schedule Type Limits Name input -- will not be validated.
** Warning ** ProcessScheduleInput: Schedule:Constant="ALWAYS ON CONTINUOUS", Blank Schedule Type Limits Name input -- will not be validated.
** Warning ** GetHTSurfaceData: Surfaces with interface to Ground found but no "Ground Temperatures" were input.
** ~~~ ** Found first in surface=FACE_215EC3B2-6D64-4824-9206-DD8CB2F9D672
** ~~~ ** Defaults, constant throughout the year of (18.0) will be used.
** Warning ** GetVertices: Roof/Ceiling is not oriented correctly! Tilt angle=[90.0], should be near 0, Surface="FACE_076EFC85-4EC6-41D0-A761-8213121A5BD6", in Zone="ROOM_0D82841B-F07C-436B-9C25-DAC54F1A1FF4".
** Warning ** GetVertices: Roof/Ceiling is not oriented correctly! Tilt angle=[90.0], should be near 0, Surface="FACE_CF87BD8B-4450-49F8-835A-AE67D7878C79", in Zone="ROOM_0D82841B-F07C-436B-9C25-DAC54F1A1FF4".
** Warning ** GetVertices: Roof/Ceiling is not oriented correctly! Tilt angle=[90.0], should be near 0, Surface="FACE_CE461340-CE5F-4AA9-AEF5-D6263E8AB048", in Zone="ROOM_236323B0-2BCF-46D6-8AE9-57EA0BF140DA".
** Warning ** GetVertices: Roof/Ceiling is not oriented correctly! Tilt angle=[90.0], should be near 0, Surface="FACE_E3308478-C21A-4F8D-9DA0-43EED55DBEA4", in Zone="ROOM_236323B0-2BCF-46D6-8AE9-57EA0BF140DA".
** Warning ** GetVertices: Roof/Ceiling is not oriented correctly! Tilt angle=[90.0], should be near 0, Surface="FACE_21CF239B-9955-4D2D-AD1C-AD85C62696DE", in Zone="ROOM_75564DF6-65AE-4ABA-B76D-1B9074E6CFBE".
** Warning ** GetVertices: Roof/Ceiling is not oriented correctly! Tilt angle=[90.0], should be near 0, Surface="FACE_3447983E-FE75-4601-95E9-A1FFA785B0DA", in Zone="ROOM_75564DF6-65AE-4ABA-B76D-1B9074E6CFBE".
** Warning ** GetVertices: Roof/Ceiling is not oriented correctly! Tilt angle=[90.0], should be near 0, Surface="FACE_4C9AF4A4-D0E6-4768-BC58-D4737D029FEE", in Zone="ROOM_75564DF6-65AE-4ABA-B76D-1B9074E6CFBE".
** Warning ** GetVertices: Roof/Ceiling is not oriented correctly! Tilt angle=[90.0], should be near 0, Surface="FACE_D17CAC5A-5FE1-4E19-B294-B9689BA4A92B", in Zone="ROOM_75564DF6-65AE-4ABA-B76D-1B9074E6CFBE".
** Warning ** GetVertices: Roof/Ceiling is not oriented correctly! Tilt angle=[90.0], should be near 0, Surface="FACE_D3F37D4B-DC0F-46E5-9F2C-4E3BBF69B923", in Zone="ROOM_75564DF6-65AE-4ABA-B76D-1B9074E6CFBE".
** Warning ** GetVertices: Roof/Ceiling is not oriented correctly! Tilt angle=[90.0], should be near 0, Surface="FACE_DA57433B-483B-47E0-97B6-A35D12F2F618", in Zone="ROOM_75564DF6-65AE-4ABA-B76D-1B9074E6CFBE".
** Warning ** GetVertices: Roof/Ceiling is not oriented correctly! Tilt angle=[90.0], should be near 0, Surface="FACE_2E0C4A4E-5AB3-4F9A-88F2-F6C3406B385E", in Zone="ROOM_7A30C2B7-D8BE-4D95-9F32-EFDF3AF85C27".
** Warning ** GetVertices: Roof/Ceiling is not oriented correctly! Tilt angle=[90.0], should be near 0, Surface="FACE_389CC893-5710-4A26-B536-59F8C764E442", in Zone="ROOM_7A30C2B7-D8BE-4D95-9F32-EFDF3AF85C27".
** Warning ** GetVertices: Roof/Ceiling is not oriented correctly! Tilt angle=[90.0], should be near 0, Surface="FACE_9B5DB112-D116-4FED-85F8-0155694A35C4", in Zone="ROOM_7A30C2B7-D8BE-4D95-9F32-EFDF3AF85C27".
** Warning ** GetVertices: Roof/Ceiling is not oriented correctly! Tilt angle=[90.0], should be near 0, Surface="FACE_AA25EEAF-CFCC-4E37-A21B-FA73847F2F53", in Zone="ROOM_7A30C2B7-D8BE-4D95-9F32-EFDF3AF85C27".
** Warning ** GetVertices: Roof/Ceiling is not oriented correctly! Tilt angle=[90.0], should be near 0, Surface="FACE_E15739F5-3052-4082-85D0-4B25ED8DF65D", in Zone="ROOM_7A30C2B7-D8BE-4D95-9F32-EFDF3AF85C27".
** Warning ** GetVertices: Roof/Ceiling is not oriented correctly! Tilt angle=[90.0], should be near 0, Surface="FACE_EECBD754-B552-45EE-AAB3-B09176FF1D21", in Zone="ROOM_7A30C2B7-D8BE-4D95-9F32-EFDF3AF85C27".
** Warning ** GetVertices: Roof/Ceiling is not oriented correctly! Tilt angle=[90.0], should be near 0, Surface="FACE_3EB29D16-7366-4E33-8941-8A05BBFF9ED6", in Zone="ROOM_9426C810-984A-49C9-8398-77BB295C25E2".
** Warning ** GetVertices: Roof/Ceiling is not oriented correctly! Tilt angle=[90.0], should be near 0, Surface="FACE_754F523F-E007-4E7F-8D8B-F682178C3941", in Zone="ROOM_9426C810-984A-49C9-8398-77BB295C25E2".
** Warning ** GetVertices: Roof/Ceiling is not oriented correctly! Tilt angle=[90.0], should be near 0, Surface="FACE_76673E96-4980-4249-BDFD-44FBA87627E4", in Zone="ROOM_9426C810-984A-49C9-8398-77BB295C25E2".
** Warning ** GetVertices: Roof/Ceiling is not oriented correctly! Tilt angle=[90.0], should be near 0, Surface="FACE_7A9DC73B-1801-4626-9622-122CBBFE0774", in Zone="ROOM_9426C810-984A-49C9-8398-77BB295C25E2".
** Warning ** GetVertices: Roof/Ceiling is not oriented correctly! Tilt angle=[90.0], should be near 0, Surface="FACE_9852E050-C523-46B6-B80D-94AF2720C8FF", in Zone="ROOM_9426C810-984A-49C9-8398-77BB295C25E2".
** Warning ** GetVertices: Roof/Ceiling is not oriented correctly! Tilt angle=[90.0], should be near 0, Surface="FACE_CB2868D5-2974-4887-AE27-582C6DC6DDC2", in Zone="ROOM_9426C810-984A-49C9-8398-77BB295C25E2".
** Warning ** GetVertices: Roof/Ceiling is not oriented correctly! Tilt angle=[90.0], should be near 0, Surface="FACE_3D285797-2517-4D7A-A7FB-36242D448B85", in Zone="ROOM_A12EC0A3-2B17-413C-845B-65A1F4C8F048".
** Warning ** GetVertices: Roof/Ceiling is not oriented correctly! Tilt angle=[90.0], should be near 0, Surface="FACE_48F4DE21-88C8-451E-AF77-D945ED24425D", in Zone="ROOM_A12EC0A3-2B17-413C-845B-65A1F4C8F048".
** Warning ** GetVertices: Roof/Ceiling is not oriented correctly! Tilt angle=[90.0], should be near 0, Surface="FACE_4F4B66CC-5131-4E07-BE21-B75479831579", in Zone="ROOM_A12EC0A3-2B17-413C-845B-65A1F4C8F048".
** Warning ** GetVertices: Roof/Ceiling is not oriented correctly! Tilt angle=[90.0], should be near 0, Surface="FACE_56655669-B081-443D-A3C8-0A5307B2B588", in Zone="ROOM_A12EC0A3-2B17-413C-845B-65A1F4C8F048".
** Warning ** GetVertices: Roof/Ceiling is not oriented correctly! Tilt angle=[90.0], should be near 0, Surface="FACE_5C44B472-3FF9-4983-B998-1534296DAE60", in Zone="ROOM_A12EC0A3-2B17-413C-845B-65A1F4C8F048".
** Warning ** GetVertices: Roof/Ceiling is not oriented correctly!
I tried to run the IDF file directly and this is the error that I got. I don’t know if this will be helpful:
Program Version,EnergyPlus, Version 9.4.0-998c4b761e, YMD=2021.11.16 13:16,
** Severe ** <root>[Construction:AirBoundary][Generic Air Boundary][radiant_exchange_method] - "0" - Failed to match against any enum values.
** Severe ** <root>[Construction:AirBoundary][Generic Air Boundary][solar_and_daylighting_method] - "None" - Failed to match against any enum values.
** Warning ** Version: in IDF="9.5" not the same as expected="9.4"
** Fatal ** Errors occurred on processing input file. Preceding condition(s) cause termination.
...Summary of Errors that led to program termination:
..... Reference severe error count=2
..... Last severe error=<root>[Construction:AirBoundary][Generic Air Boundary][solar_and_daylighting_method] - "None" - Failed to match against any enum values.
************* Warning: Node connection errors not checked - most system input has not been read (see previous warning).
************* Fatal error -- final processing. Program exited before simulations began. See previous error messages.
************* EnergyPlus Warmup Error Summary. During Warmup: 0 Warning; 0 Severe Errors.
************* EnergyPlus Sizing Error Summary. During Sizing: 0 Warning; 0 Severe Errors.
************* EnergyPlus Terminated--Fatal Error Detected. 1 Warning; 2 Severe Errors; Elapsed Time=00hr 00min 1.19sec
@anubis, I noticed the solve adjacency hasn’t been resolved between the zones. You may want to do that first before running the rest of the studies.