Is there a video tutorial on how to upload/create a recipe on pollination? or maybe did someone already upload it to pollination? (i’m not sure where to search)
I want to use the " Annual Loads Simulation" recipe on pollination. but i can only find '" Custom Energy sim" and “Annual Energy Simulation”
I imagine one can use either of those two recipes to get the loads by using the correct settings but Chris is the right person to answer this question.
I have tried the “Custom Energy Sim” and " Annual Energy Sim" but they are taking about an hours to simulate my model using the cloud, i think the “Annual Loads Recipe” is a quicker option.
I am trying to simulate 90 different configurations from this baseline of 3 bar buildings (the different configurations are shown in the short video attached).
I want to get results for “Energy Heating + Cooling demand” + “Daylight Factor” + “Total Solar Radiation” to compare the configuration.
Actually i updated the model to consider each of the floors as a single zone to see if that would give me faster results for Energy Demand using one of the provided recipes on pollination " Custom Energy Sim" or “Annual Energy Use” but unfortunately it takes 1 hour, 20 minutes and 59 seconds to get a result just for the baseline case. ( i attached a screenshot)
On grasshopper, the recipe called “HB Annual Loads” gives me a very quick Energy Demand result (it takes about 6 to 14 minutes maximum per one energy simulation) which is want i am looking for on pollination to simulate all my iterations.
I would really appreciate any suggestions on my work.
I tried to create a recipe on pollination similar to the quick “HB Annual loads” however unfortunately it seems impossible and super difficult for me to do that as i’m very new to coding .
@chriswmackey can help you with the differences between the recipes and the annual load component. What I meant by simplification was to keep the middle bar as thermal zones and change the other two as shadings. Something like this.
Back to your choices for the study, you may want to run some smaller cases and make sure about the input parameters for the geometry. Here are a few considerations:
The size of the rooms might not represent a real-world scenario. The depth is only 10 meters with two windows on both sides.
Unless you are running the studies in a very moderate climate where surface area doesn’t matter the most compact extruded option will probably be the best option. It has the minimum surface area. Because of the high ratio of the glasses and the distance between the buildings you should get a very good daylight factor regardless of the shape of the building.
Make sure that you consider the effect of opening the apertures. Otherwise, the results of your study might be affected by overheating in summer for the small rooms with large windows with no ventilation.
The reason why the annual loads component is so fast is that it uses a very coarse timestep of 1 calculation per hour, which is really only suitable for energy simulations without detailed HVAC controls or natural ventilation controls. It also uses an extra simplified solar distribution calculation that’s really only suitable for these types of coarse load visualizations. Lastly, it requests the outputs to be reported monthly so that EnergyPlus doesn’t take a lot of time writing data into the sql file. If you want to set your custom energy simulation to be as fast as the annual loads simulation, here is how to do it: