Run-Energyplus recipe not computing


I am trying to run a series of IDFs through energy plus after creating it using the HB Model to OSM (I will be editing the IDF before running it through E+).

My understanding is that the pollination recipe for this would be the run-energyplus component, and have managed to get this to work if I use a simple box model, but as soon as I use this recipe for a more complicated model, it stops working. I have tried running the IDF before making edits, and after making edits to the OSM generated IDF.

If I run the exact same IDF through the honeybee HB Run IDF component, it works, which is what confuses me.

Does anybody know why I am experiencing this issue?
in.idf (566.0 KB)

I was also wondering if there is a way to debug any errors with the pollination equivalent of the HB Run IDF component? The HB component has a report output of all the warnings and errors, but the pollination equivalent only has the debug tree structure on the webpage that is common to all pollination recipes, which I haven’t quite understood how to use.

The energy model runs if I use the custom-energy-sim recipe instead. However, I will still need to get the run-energyplus recipe to work as I will need to edit my IDFs before running them, which I don’t see the capability to do in the custom-energy-sim recipe.

Hi @rajaths, It looks like you have found the answer already.

The custom-energy-sim input also accepts IDF files. You can use the same recipe after making the changes. See here:

Yes. If you go to the run page. You can click on debug to see the logs for each step of the study. Here is the link to one of your studies.

You can also see the EnergyPlus error file in the outputs. Here is the file.

And the error is the missing file schedule.

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