Simulating a grasshopper definition using pollination cloud

Hello, I am working on optimizing urban forms for enhanced outdoor UTCI in my PhD study.

Is it possible to use pollination cloud to simulate a grasshopper definition of the urban forms instead of a HB model?

If yes, please let me know how as I didn’t find a tutorial for this.

Thank you.

Hi @mona92, welcome to the forum!

Can you provide a sample file that shows the problem? It doesn’t need to be a full model. I suspect by “a grasshopper definition” versus an “HB model” you are referring to using faces and meshes as the input.

If that’s the case, try converting all the geometries to a joined mesh, translating it to a shade object, and then creating an HB model that only consists of shades.

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Yes that’s exactly what I meant. Thank you I will convert it to shade objects. I am sharing a link for my base case, however, I will try converting it to a shade object, and if there is still a problem, I will let you know. Thank you. Mona - Case - Google Drive