To incorporate the ventilation requirements listed in Ashrae 62.1
Should the People outdoor Air Rate_ cfm/person be captured under flow/person
and Area outdoor air rate cfm/ft2 be captured under flow/area ?
What is the difference between Flow/ Area and Flow per zone ?
since program type is applied to each zone separately - Are these 2 interchangeable ?
Program Types_Subsection
Ashrae 62.1 Reference
Additionally where can I find definitions (if any) for all the sections and subsections defined by Pollination room properties?
For your first question, the Ventilation specification always takes all of the flows that you specify and adds them together to give you a final ventilation flow (this is the same logic used in ASHREA 62.1).
Given that ASHRAE 62.1 has all of its specifications on a per-area and per-person basis, you shouldn’t have any need for the other two specification methods.
Flow/zone is if you needed to specify a fixed flow rate that was independent of floor area or people, which is pretty rare.