What has everyone's experiences been with IFC files in Revit?

Hi All,

I recently started an email thread with Mostapha about using IFC files in Revit but he advised that I should bring it to the forums so it has a greater visibility.

Basically, as the title states, I am using Revit to import IFC files which I intend to clean up using Pollination and then export as a gbXML model. With the sample IFC models I have import, I have noticed that Revit does not seem to import the windows properly, leading them to be missing in the ‘Select Apertures/Doors’ dialog box.

Has anyone had any experiences using IFC files with Revit and the Pollination plug-in, and do you have any tips to make it work?

Hi @nirajp . Some couple of year ago when I was working particularly with Archicad only I tried converting Archicad file to IFC and then import into Revit. It was totally a mess at that period. I had shared some issue in the post below
[Validation error with interior door In Revit Pollination plugin]

The issue with IFC conversion I had was data loss during conversion that Revit pollination needed to successfully interpret to create a valid model. I wasted time in cleaning and rectifying missing data for that purpose. But I think as years have passed IFC conversion may have improved. You can give it a try!

Hi @nirajp, thank you for posting the question.

One other issue that I have seen in imported IFC models is that the windows can get loaded into InPlace Families. It makes the whole process of selecting the apertures and doors slower. We have made improvements in Revit 2.238.0 to ensure these windows are parsed by Pollination correctly.